Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Second VVS is Finished!

I finished the 2nd VVS just a few minutes ago! Here is a fairly close up picture of the finished product. It is 150 stitches long by 90 rows wide and uses 12 different colors of ILTY. It is just the right size for me.

Today I'm planning to make--or at least start--a scarf out of yarn my 2 year old great nephew picked out for me for Christmas. It is Vanna's Choice Purple Mist Print. Even at his age, he knows my favorite color (his mother took him to the store and showed him what kind of yarn I liked and then let him pick the color)! I plan on just doing something simple because I feel fancy stitches would be lost in this print. I still have some time before I need to leave for work today since I don't have to be there until 12:30 so I think I'll go work on the scarf.

1 comment:

Debbi-a1 said...

Beautiful afghan! I love all the colors.